Battelle Anti-Debugging Write Up
Jeopardy style CTF
Category: Reverse Engineering
Points: 200
Heard you liked debugging... Try this ;)
The flag will be revealed when you pass in the correct input
Write up:
Opening the main function in a decompiler I see:
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
v3 = alloca(16);
if ( findAndDetach() != 5 || debugged() == 1 || (unsigned __int8)checkForOlly() )
printf("Debugger Detected\n");
lpAddress[0] = (LPVOID)getRetAddress();
VirtualProtect(lpAddress[0], 0x10u, 4u, &flOldProtect);
*(_DWORD *)(getRetAddress() + 391) = 36859568;
v4 = GlobalAlloc(0x42u, 0xA000u);
v16 = GlobalLock(v4);
VirtualProtect(v16, 0xA000u, 4u, (PDWORD)lpAddress);
v5 = (void *)findPointer(v16);
qmemcpy(v5, (const void *)(getRetAddress() + 25), 0xA000u);
v6 = (void (__stdcall *)(int))findPointer(v16);
printf("Serial: ");
fgets(Buffer, 100, (FILE *)__iob[0]._ptr);
if ( debugged() != 1 && getRetAddress() < (unsigned int)v16 + 0x4000 )
printf("Checking serial...\n");
*(_DWORD *)(findPointer(checkPass) + 83) = 42468652;
v14 = (unsigned __int8 (__cdecl *)(char *))findPointer(checkPass);
if ( v14(Buffer) )
qmemcpy(Str, &unk_40303C, 0x2Cu);
for ( i = 0; ; ++i )
v7 = strlen(Str);
if ( i >= v7 )
v8 = &Str[i];
v9 = Str[i] ^ 0x80;
*v8 = v9;
*v8 = v9;
printf("%s\n", Str);
printf("Serial Incorrect.\n");
printf("press a key to quit.");
return 0;
I wanted to debug this, especially since it's obvious they put lots of antidebugger checks in so I rebased the program and then started nopping out instructions that checked for debugging:
0000132A E8 16 03 00 00 call _findAndDetach
00001334 E8 1E 02 00 00 call _debugged
0000133E E8 C7 02 00 00 call _checkForOlly
00001407 FF D0 call eax
0000143C E8 16 01 00 00 call _debugged
After nopping out these instructions I was able to debug, and by changing the z flag as I went I was able to go into the following:
if ( v12(Buffer) )
This resolved to the following function:
BOOL __cdecl checkPass(char *Str2)
*(_DWORD *)Str = dword_403113;
v5 = dword_403117;
v6 = word_40311B;
v7 = byte_40311D;
for ( i = 0; i < strlen(Str); ++i )
Str[i] -= 5;
Str[i] ^= 0x6Eu;
v1 = strlen(Str);
return strncmp(Str, Str2, v1) == 0;
Str ended up resolving to: youFoundMe.
When I used that in the program I got:
Correct. user = part6 pass = unpackedSerial
The flag ended up being: